Scholarships Computer Science Degree Online in US

Scholarships Computer Science Degree Online in USA

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As of my last update in September 2021, there were various scholarships available for students pursuing a Computer Science degree online in the United States . However, please keep in mind that scholarship availability and details may have changed since then.

Scholarships Computer Science Degree Online in US
Scholarships Computer Science Degree Online in US

Here are some common sources of scholarships for online Computer Science programs in the US:

1. University Scholarships: Many universities offering online Computer Science programs have scholarships specifically designated for their online students. These scholarships may be based on academic merit, financial need, or other criteria.

2. Private Organizations and Foundations: Various private organizations, corporations, and foundations offer scholarships for students pursuing degrees in Computer Science, whether on-campus or online. Examples include the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Scholarships and Google’s Generation Google Scholarship.

3. Professional Associations: Associations related to Computer Science and technology fields often provide scholarships to encourage students to pursue careers in these areas. For instance, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) might have scholarship opportunities.

4. **Tech Companies:** Some technology companies offer scholarships to support students studying Computer Science. Companies like Microsoft, Intel, IBM, and others have been known to provide such opportunities.

5. **Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships:** Many scholarships are specifically targeted at underrepresented groups in the tech industry, such as women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities.

6. **Government and Nonprofit Organizations:** Various government agencies and nonprofit organizations might offer scholarships in the field of Computer Science.

To find the most up-to-date and relevant scholarship opportunities for an online Computer Science degree, consider the following steps:

1. **Check with Universities:** Research the online Computer Science programs of the universities you are interested in and look for scholarship options available to online students.

2. **Online Scholarship Search Engines:** Utilize scholarship search engines that allow you to filter results based on your specific criteria, such as degree level, field of study, and online programs.

3. **Professional Associations and Organizations:** Explore websites of relevant professional associations and tech-related organizations for scholarship information.

4. **Company Websites:** Check tech company websites to see if they offer scholarships to students pursuing Computer Science degrees.

5. **Financial Aid Offices:** Contact the financial aid offices of the universities you plan to apply to for guidance on available scholarships and financial aid opportunities.

Remember that the scholarship application process can be competitive, so it’s essential to start your search early, meet all application requirements, and submit your materials before the deadlines.

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