Types of Solar Panels – Mono Crystalline, Poly Crystalline

Types of Solar Panels : Mono Crystalline & Poly Crystalline

Types of Solar Panels do matter, when you are going to purchase solar panels for your home consumption. Whether you’re shopping for for your house or on your commercial use, the principle thing is kind of solar panels. Here I’m telling you the types of Photo voltaic Panels.

The number one kind of solar panels is Mono Crystalline, and other kind is Poly Crystalline. Each are available in market and people are buying each solar panels. However purchaser must know his environment and temperature before he purchase. Another factor to know in this regards, don’t use both in a single line, like if you have two mono crystalline, and one poly crystalline solar panel, then they will not work properly. It will hurt cost controller. If the charger is not MPPT then it can hurt it.

Types of Solar Panels with Charge Controller

This solar panel information will help you in shopping for proper panels. Most of the people use PWM charge controller for solar panels. We will talk about cost controller later, right here we’re speaking about solar panels. The places where summer would not go on peak, or you may say that with much less temperature, then mono crystalline solar panels are beneficial to purchase. The locations the place most of the time is summer, then poly crystalline solar panels are recommended.

Often people wanna use photo voltaic panels to meet their energy consumption. What you may drive with these solar panels? Do you know how a lot home hold issues can you employ with solar panel energy? The reply is, almost all of the equipment can run with solar energy. The main factor is your calculation and battery bank. Nowadays, there are a number of companies making cost controllers with newest technology, where you do not want battery to install when the solar shine. It means that you can put your load directly on photo voltaic panels and they will generate energy until the night or sunset.

Mono Crystalline Panels are best

Mono Crystalline Panels are best for all the weathers, like if the weather is cloudy, then mono panels will keep charging batteries. Poly panels will stop working or gradual charging when the weather is cloudy. That is the main factor and difference I’ve personally found in both the panels type.

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